
Dr. Grace Lee

1993 - BDS from University of Sydney
1997 - Clinical teaching and demonstrator in Dental Faculty, Sydney of University
Other - 10 years of experience at Specialist Paediatric Department of Sydney Dental Hospital

Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin

What made you want to become a dentist?

Love of dentistry as a child! Weird but true. Used to look forward to my braces appointments and being fascinated about health science and biology. Also, of course, my passion in art and craft ties closely with the hands-on nature of dentistry.

What makes Mascot Family Dental different to other clinics?

Professionalism, friendliness and most importantly, gentleness. Anxious adults who have avoided the dentists for years, shed their fear as soon as they recline on our comfortable, soft chair with its own overhead TV while receiving their gentle treatment.

Our children patients love coming here for their bi-annual check and clean and of course, praise. Over the years it has been a great joy to witness them grow up into confident teenagers who take pride into looking after and showing off their precious pearly whites.

If you could give your patient one piece of advice, what would it be?  

Prevention is better than cure. Eat, floss, and be merry. Don't delay, start today!

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I am married with a daughter and a dog. I love entertaining friends and family over a BBQ, trying out newly learnt skills from my favourite TV show, MasterChef.